Thank you for your interest in the Short Sale process rendered from the website at CINDY 21.COM LLC.  By using the Services you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions as it may be used to engaged in all your personal information, as you the client, are entering into our system the information are true to the best of your knowledge and you are placing your personal information to enter into a short sale processing with the bank that services your loans and liens etc.
You Must Agree to the Terms of Use to Utilize our services.

Our fees are to be performed on SHORT SALE AND OR A MODIFICATION is an expressed charge of an agreement to either a 1% of the sales price, through a listing agreement, or in a loan modification process of $1500. Paid on our site via credit card or check.

You hereby further agree that you are giving full permission to these terms and that you give full authorization for CINDY 21.COM LLC and agent to access your personal information that you have submitted to perform on your behalf access to speak with the bank on your behalf the nature to access your personal information on your loan accounts, and or all liens .

Each time you use our services, you reaffirm your acceptance of the terms and authorization for the current Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy, you may discontinue using and accessing our services.  by clicking the “I agree” button